One of the most beautiful things about Nigerian food, especially the meat pie, is the contrast of flavors between meat and poultry. The meat is usually marinated overnight, then cooked slowly over a period of several hours, slowly turning as you go. In fact, people literally eat slowly as they cook. In this post, I am going to show you ...
Piccadilly Crawfish etouffee was the first crawfish etouffee recipe I ever came across. It was created by my mother-in-law. Since I was still in school, I didn’t have any money to go out to eat. I just wanted to have something to eat for lunch, so I put some crawfish etouffee on the menu at our house. Piccadilly crawfish etouffee ...
Alfajores De Maicena are a popular snack in Argentine, where they are called Maecenas, and they are often served with ice cream. Growing up in Argentine, I was very familiar with this traditional dessert, which I grew up enjoying every chance I could. After moving to the US, I finally got to try them at an ice cream parlor in ...
Chinese cuisine is not complete without fried ice cream. Chinese Fried Ice Cream; A dessert that is loved by both adults and children around the world thanks to its crisp batter encasing a cold ice cream center. There is a combination of warm outside and cold inside that will leave you speechless. Fried ice cream can easily be prepared at ...
There are a lot of different types of rice. They can be brown, white, or even some that are pink! In this article, I will share with you an easy puffed rice recipe that is extremely tasty and easy to make. Puffed rice is a very simple type of rice. It is prepared very easily. The ingredients are all dry ...
Lamberts Throwed Rolls is a popular brand of cookies. “Lamberts” is a name that is very close to the word “lambert”. The lamberts cafe is known for serving hot rolls to its customers. Earl Lambert opened the Sikeston cafe in 1942, along with his wife Agnes, his brother Robert, and Robert’s wife Ruby. Former Sikeston High School coach Norman “Ole ...
Are you a fan of banana bread? Are you looking for a recipe that you can whip up in a minute? Do you have kids who love banana bread as much as some of us do? Then you might want to check out this Lion House Banana Bread Recipe. In this recipe, you’ll find a simple method for making banana ...
Brown rice flour is a staple in Mexican cooking for several reasons. The most obvious of these reasons is its use by Mexican cooks in combination with maize, chiles, and beans. It’s also used in the making of tortillas. Brown rice flour is also an important ingredient in many Asian dishes, including stir-fries, soups, and noodles. However, it is not ...
Lentil soup is a homey and comforting soup that’s full of flavor and healthy ingredients. The soup is low in sodium and high in fiber. It’s also a great source of protein and nutrients and can be made in just a few minutes. Lentil soup is easy to make and is a great meal for when the weather is warm. ...
Over the years, I have learned a lot about restaurants, food, and cooking. I have also learned many things about food. One of the things I have learned is how to use different types of spices to create amazing meals. The spice industry has become really bigger and more important in recent years. When you’re trying to figure out the ...